Wednesday, 22 February 2012

media analysis

The main lighting technique used in this poster is back/top lighting. Although this is not creating a silhouette, it still gives a dramatic effect of the light from the back, making the side of his face and his shoulders appear brighter than the whole body. This also makes his face appear darker which connotes that he’s evil. Low key lighting has also been used which creates a dramatic contrast between the light and the dark (chiaroscuro). This creates a misty/rainy weather which might mirror the condition dramatic events take place in.
There are some bright highlights on the protagonist’s hair which connote that he might also have a ‘good’ side or that he is innocent which contradicts to what he is actually portrayed as. 

Filler lights have been used right at the beginning of the video where we see filler lights on characters’ faces to enhance their terrifying expressions. Top lighting is been used in the next sequence where other two characters are looking up. This creates great contrast between the lighting in the background suggesting a significant event might occur. When we see the shot of the protagonist lying in bed, there is a contrast of dark on the left side and light on the male protagonist. This might be suggesting that the protagonist is innocent and the strange events are not caused by him

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