Wednesday, 22 February 2012

documentary DVD cover

Main title
The main title is placed at the top which connotes its extreme importance as the film subject. It attracts audience’s attention as the word ‘inconvenient’ is written in red. The colour red resembles the meaning of the word ‘inconvenient’ (difficulties) and red connotes danger. This combines the “warning” that the title is trying to convey. The colour red contrasts with the other words written in white “an” and “truth” which connotes that there can be a solution to the danger.
The three words are written without any spaces which connotes that the producers are trying to give out a message you can’t ignore such danger and we have to act soon.
Spine Title
The spine title doesn’t really stand out because the colour white blends in with the background colour blue as the blue has been used elsewhere in the DVD cover. It consists of the institution logo, the main title, the slogan and the format logo.
Main Image
The main image is very successful in getting its message across. The image consists of a power station producing smoke and the smoke is in the shape of a hurricane. This could be indicating that there is major danger taking over the earth like the fact that there is too much poisonous gas releasing into the atmosphere which might cause many problems. The use of blue background connotes there still a lot we can do to save this from happening. The use of colour blue is on the cover is raising a ray of hope and trying to pass on the message.
“It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Republican or Democrat, Liberal or Conservative... your mind will be changed in a nanosecond”-Roger Fried man,
This opinion reassures audiences that it is extremely important subject that will make a big impact on every individual whether you want to be a part of it or not, it will make a change. The opinion is referring to political parties which could also be indicating that no matter where you belong to everyone is involved in this subject. This targets a wide range of audiences because the subject is very critical which is related to every individual.
The other statements and opinions in newspaper articles also encourage that particular newspaper buyer to believe what they say and get attracted towards this documentary. It reassures audiences that the film has received positive reviews from such newspapers and people, which makes them want to watch this documentary.
Institution logo at the back and on the spine title
The institution is ‘Paramount Classics’. The institution is well known which supports the film as it has a strong base.
Special Features
The back cover also contains a ‘special feature’ which includes clips of making of the film, music videos and commentary etc. This gives away audiences a chance to explore all the research done by the producers, directors and actors and how the film was made into a final product. This allows audiences to also believe the issues that are raised by this film as they have provided sufficient results to support the truth.

Other Features
it provides various subtitles such as English, French and Spanish which appeals to a global audience therefore the message is spreading across the world however as it is a global issue they should have included more language subtitles.
this provides a brief summary of the story so the audiences are aware of what type of documentary they are watching. It states it is a “must-see” this confident call to the audiences encourages audiences to watch it.

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